Onboarding Roadmap Overview

Onboarding Roadmap Overview

Our Friendzy Onboarding Specialists help schools launch the Friendzy social and emotional learning program with ease. We are in this together!


As part of the Friendzy social and emotional learning program, a Friendzy Onboarding Specialist assists in confidently and successfully launching the new program in schools! Think of Onboarding Specialists as Friendzy Program tour guides. The Friendzy Team provides helpful tips, tricks and support to implement the Friendzy social and emotional learning program and see the culture change in schools. Here’s an overview of the onboarding roadmap. If you’re interested in starting the Friendzy social and emotional learning program in your school, drop us a line or reach out about a free cost estimate.



Order Your Friendzy Program

TIMING | March-July



Plan for Implementation




Prepare your Friendzy Teaching Team

TIMING | JUNE-September



Prepare your Marketing & Communication Plan

TIMING | JUNE-September


Explore your Friendzy Online Resources

TIMING | JUNE-September


Get Ready for your Program Shipment!


Complete the Pre-Friendzy Survey


Launch Friendzy!


View more details of the Friendzy Onboarding Roadmap. For more information about how to launch the Friendzy social and emotional learning program in your school, drop us a line!


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