Friendzy Impact Report: Diocese of Corpus Christi
Friendzy Impact Report: Corpus Christi Catholic Schools
How Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas have championed safe, supportive and Christ-Centered learning.
Every morning students carefully take in the sights and sounds of a new school day. The peppering of book bags across the school lawn and blurs of plaid in the hallway become constants and coefficients in a complex set of equations; Do I belong here? Am I safe? Do my peers and teachers care about me?
Catholic school leaders within the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas understand that a safe, supportive and Christ-centered climate and culture is vital to the success of every student. Superintendent Dr. Rosemary Henry says, “There is a difference in Catholic schools that you can feel.”
Having seen first hand the power that feeling of belonging can have in a student’s ability to flourish academically, emotionally and socially, Dr. Henry and Health Services Coordinator, April Esparza RN, BSN, have spent the last few years leaning into intentional wellness and safety support initiatives for students, educators, and the school community at large.
Whole Students:
Developing Social Skills, Emotional Intelligence and Godly Character
In the 2019 school year, all Elementary and Middle Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi adopted the Friendzy Biblical social and emotional learning program; A school-wide program that teaches students relationship skills, through the lens of Scripture, alongside educator training and community support resources. Though March 2020 brought school and life as we knew it to a screeching halt, Corpus Christi Catholic School students were able to continue intentionally connecting with one another through conversation, games, reflection and prayer learning vital skills like resilience, conflict resolution and teamwork.
“In 2020 we recognized an immediate need to proactively invest in supporting our students to thrive in all aspects of their wellbeing.” - Excerpt from Feel the Difference Booklet, Diocese of Corpus Christi, 2022.
Every month, students school-wide are introduced to a new Friendzy theme like “We Need Each Other” or “Love at all Times”. From the classroom to the blacktop, and even at home, these themes (called catchphrases) are highlighted and celebrated by students, teachers and families. Weekly, students spend time in class learning key Scripture that highlights God’s design for friendship. These key verses and catchphrases are practiced and applied through lessons, games, hands on activities, and student workbooks with prayer and reflection prompts.
Through the unified language of Friendzy, students are learning skills that are vital for success in the classroom and beyond. Eight out of ten employers say that social and emotional skills like problem solving, self-control and communication are the most important skills for success and yet the most difficult to find (Cunningham, Villasenor, 2016).
Since implementing the Friendzy program, along with an expansion of counseling services across all schools, teachers and students have felt and seen a tangible difference in student well-being, leading to increased belonging and academic engagement.
The following images (click right arrow below to view slideshow) highlight growth, as measured through the SELweb direct assessment and SELweb climate and culture survey, for participating Corpus Christi Catholic School students K-6th grade.

Whole Schools:
Teacher Training and Support
In addition to a focus on student well-being, leaders at the Diocese of Corpus Christi have also emphasized teacher training and support. In partnership with Friendzy, all Corpus Christi Catholic schools participated in a workshop called “The Invisible Backpack” focused on understanding student brain development and common responses to trauma.
Ms. Esparza and Dr. Henry have also worked alongside the Friendzy team in providing additional educator support unique to the needs of individual campuses. This included an uplifting Professional Development workshop, “I Am For You” that focused on strengthening connection and community amongst staff.
“This was a great reminder that we work with precious children of God and what an honor it is to extend love and grace to one another.” - Teacher Feedback after Friendzy Workshop
Whole Communities:
Safety & Belonging for All students
“From the Moment I walked in to register [my daughter], I felt the warmth of family and acceptance.” - St. Elizabeth School Parent
As Corpus Christi Catholic Schools have worked collaboratively to cultivate communities of belonging and safety, families have been engaged every step of the way. Parents and caring adults are sent a monthly letter introducing the Friendzy theme of the month, scripture and key teaching points as well as open-ended conversation starters to support parents and caring adults in reinforcing learned skills in the home environment. Through these positive points of connection throughout the year, families are supported in their role as the primary educators of their children.
The exhale of levered bus breaks and choruses of unbridled glee filtering into hallways signal the end of the school day. Another day of students experiencing belonging, safety and the love of Christ is complete.
You can learn more about Friendzy’s scripturally based Social-emotional learning program here.
You can read more about The Diocese of Corpus Christi’s wellness and safety initiatives here