Weekly Gratitude Journal
Weekly Gratitude Journal
When we as individuals cope with our emotions we become stronger, not only for ourselves but for our community around us.
Our world, our nation, our families, and our kids are experiencing an unprecedented amount of transition, stress, sadness, and loss. These emotions and feelings are real and valid. When we, as individuals, cope with our emotions, we become stronger, not only for ourselves but for the community around us.
Dr. Robert Emmons, the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude, has researched gratitude for over a decade. His research reveals that in order to to practice gratitude we need to do two things:
Affirm goodness
Recognize that goodness comes from outside ourselves.
When we intentionally do these two things it puts us in a positive frame of mind. Being thankful and focusing on gratitude produces helps us in four distinct ways:
Gratitude allows us to celebrate the present.
Gratitude blocks negative emotions.
Gratitude increases resilience in times of stress.
Gratitude increases self worth.
Statistically speaking, people who focus on being thankful rather than focusing on their disappointments, are happier, healthier, and more content people. This week be intentional about focusing on what you are grateful for!
Engage as a family
Commit to practicing gratitude this week as a family.
At dinner time share one thing that you are grateful for and why.
Watch the you-tube together. What benefit of gratefulness do you need this week? Why?
Think about someone you are thankful for, share who that person is and why you are thankful for them. **Extra bonus credit...write a thank you note to that person and mail it.
Download the Weekly Gratitude Journal and make copies for each member of the household. Help each other be accountable with filling the journal out each day.