A Heart Full of Gratitude Game
A Heart Full of Gratitude Game
A Gratitude Game that is fun for everyone!
Did you know that cultivating an attitude of gratitude is linked with experiencing greater happiness? Gratitude helps to elevate our mood by shifting our focus from the negative to the positive, making space for us to reflect on good experiences. Studies have shown that gratitude can improve our health, regulate our emotions during times of crisis and stress, and aid in building stronger friendships.
With Grateful Charades, each player will act out the things or experiences they’re grateful for in order to highlight and reflect on positive experiences and emotions.
Getting Started
Post-it notes or scratch paper
Colored pencil, crayon, or marker
Baseball cap or large bowl
Every day, set aside a few minutes for you and your kids to share at least three things you’re grateful for that day. After everyone has shared, grab some Post-it notes, scratch paper, and something colorful to write with. Have everyone write each thing they’re grateful for on a Post-it note or scratch paper. Then, using tape, have everyone place their notes of gratitude on the refrigerator. Repeat this activity every day for the rest of the week. All of the Post-it notes or scratch paper should be placed on the fridge in such a way that it comes together to create a heart — A Heart Full of Gratitude. At the end of the week, you’ll use the Post-it notes or paper placed on the refrigerator to play a game of Grateful Charades.
Go | Grateful Charades Instructions
For Grateful Charades, have each player gather and fold three of the things they are grateful for and place them in a hat or bowl.
Explain how to play Charades. Charades is a game where words or phrases are acted out. It’s important to explain that Charades is a pantomime-only game, so remind everyone to act out what’s written down without speaking. Once someone has guessed correctly, recap the answer by saying, “You’re grateful for…. How did that make you feel?” It is important to do this part because each person has what they’re grateful for mirrored back to them and be reminded of the emotion associated. The Friendzy Daily Check-in Tool can help identify these emotions.
Choose player order by birthday. The player with the birthday closest to the day’s date goes first.
Go from player to player, having each person act out the items until the hat or bowl is empty.
Be loud and cheer each other on. Don’t worry about splitting into teams or having a timer like typical charades. We’re skipping the competitive element. Keep it simple, and have fun! Remember, the end goal is to highlight and celebrate all you’re grateful for as a family.
To close out the game, take a few moments to answer a couple of the questions below. Maybe even over dessert!
Connect with Each Other
What was your favorite part of Grateful Charades?
Were there items that were acted out that weren’t yours that you’re also grateful for? Share a few of those items with one another.
How does having an attitude of gratitude positively affect our relationships with one another?
Look at the Friendzy Daily Check-in Tool and identify the emotion you’re feeling right now. Share it with your family, and try to explain why you feel that way.
As an expression of gratitude and a way to connect with family and friends, offer the option to write a thank you note or text someone a message of gratitude this week.
Game Recap
We can never be too grateful. Cultivating a heart full of gratitude is essential not only for our mental health during times of stress or crisis but also for our relational and emotional health. Intentionally being grateful gives way to contentment and calmness. Be mindful of everything that acted out during Grateful Charades, and remind one another of those items when needed in the coming days. Encourage everyone to practice keeping a running list of things they are grateful for each day and to share or reflect on them when and wherever they can. This gratitude activity could even become a weekly rhythm for your family.
Looking for more gratitude resources? Check these out: