Matthew's Model: Forgiveness In Action High School Lesson

Matthew's Model: FORGIVENESS IN ACTION High School Lesson

God shows us in the Gospel of Matthew an example of handling conflict in a Biblical way where we can take steps towards de-escalating conflicts, and He shows us a model for forgiveness.


Conflict is an inevitable part of life. We may have conflicts with our friends, siblings, classmates, teammates, strangers, or co-workers. God created us all with our own unique ideas and interests, so disagreements are bound to happen. That said, as we think about practicing faith in action when it comes to conflict, God shows us in the Gospel of Matthew an example of handling conflict in a Biblical way where we can take steps towards de-escalating conflicts, and He shows us a model for forgiveness.

Download this activity to engage your high schoolers in an activity that challenges them to confront conflict.


Frances Fragela