We Go Together Game
We Go Together Game
This game focuses on critical thinking and asking questions and equips students with vital communication skills.
“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity.” -Roy T. Bennett
Children whose communication skills were developed primarily in virtual contexts often require training and coaching in once-intuitive skills.
This game focuses on critical thinking and asking questions and equips students with vital communication skills. Students will move around the room communicating with their classmates to determine what name/item is listed on the card on their back and then determine who completes the other part of their pair. (ie, peanut butter finds jelly)
Depending on your student’s grade level, it may be wise to show all of the cards to your students before you put the cards on their backs. In addition, younger students may benefit from the teacher modeling some questioning examples.
> Download the "We Go Together" template. Cut out the cards and ensure that each pair has its partner card represented when they are distributed to students.
> Provide each student with a card and tape it on their back. The words/pictures on the card should be facing outward so that others can see the words/images on the card.
> Use double-sided tape on the back of the card to secure it to the student's back.
1. Distribute: Each participant should receive a card with one-half of a famous pair placed on their back. The teacher will tape cards to the students’ backs so that they cannot see what the card is.
2. Explain: Encourage students to move throughout the room. Students can ask their classmates three yes/no questions to help them discover what is on the card taped to their back.
3. Find: Once a student has discovered who they are, they need to find their partner. If the other partner has not figured out his/her identity, they must not reveal themselves until they know.
1. What did this game teach you about communication?
2. Was speaking clearly an important aspect of this game? Explain.
3. How did listening closely help you to discover what was listed on your card?
4. Turn to a classmate and reflect on how asking questions helped you to gain understanding in this game. Share what specific question helped you discover the item of your card.
5. Which part of the communication do you most enjoy? Was it speaking, listening or asking questions? Explain.
This game is a fun and playful way to practice communication skills - speaking clearly, listening closely, and asking questions to gain understanding. Communicating to connect can be fun! Now that you know how to play this game, consider doing it with your family and friends. All you need is a sticky note, some creative ideas to think of pairs that go together, and to explain to the group the three ways to communicate to connect!