Cultivating Christ-like Self-Management in Students
Cultivating Christ-Like Self-Management In Students
"Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city."
“But he hit me first!!”
“I can’t do it!!”
Teachers report losing as much as 144 minutes a week of instructional time to behavior management and addressing disruptions.
So what is the secret to a classroom filled with self-managers, all living out the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)?
Here are two common types of classroom disruptions and how you can proactively prevent them:
Ignoring Classroom Rules: The root of students not following classroom rules often comes from a lack of ownership, understanding, and/or collective accountability. The Friendzy Full-Value Contract activity creates an opportunity for students to take an active role in building classroom norms.
Being Off-Task: Students who need help staying on task often need the belief that they can complete the assignment at hand. A little growth mindset can go a long way (Phillippians 4:13)! Proactively teach your students growth mindset strategies with this activity.
Proverbs 16:32 says, "Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city."
Learn more about how Friendzy teaches students about self-management so they can control impulses and reactions while becoming more disciplined by watching our free program demo here.